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Understand the benefits and challenges of the cloud and what integrating a cloud-based solution can mean for your supply chain.
Understand the benefits and challenges of the cloud and what integrating a cloud-based solution can mean for your supply chain.
Ensure you’re ready to combat the common issues that come along with a digital transformation by implementing proven practices that are sure to set you up for success.
Ensure you’re ready to combat the common issues that come along with a digital transformation by implementing proven practices that are sure to set you up for success.
Explore what a supply chain digital transformation looks like and some stressors that can be alleviated once one is achieved.
Explore what a supply chain digital transformation looks like and some stressors that can be alleviated once one is achieved.
Understand what the Bullwhip Effect can do to your organization and learn about proven solutions supply chain leaders can implement to combat it.
Understand what the Bullwhip Effect can do to your organization and learn about proven solutions supply chain leaders can implement to combat it.
What do you need to know about logistics and supply chain management to successfully integrate them into your supply chain?
What do you need to know about logistics and supply chain management to successfully integrate them into your supply chain?
A five-step guide to ensuring a successful deployment of a new tool or technology so that no challenge goes unresolved and the vendor you choose is the best fit for you and your organization.
A five-step guide to ensuring a successful deployment of a new tool or technology so that no challenge goes unresolved and the vendor you choose is the best fit for you and your organization.
Managing a supply chain is no easy task. By implementing incorrect supply chain management procedures, companies risk a loss of productivity, increased costs and complaints, possible regulatory infractions, and reputational damage.
Managing a supply chain is no easy task. By implementing incorrect supply chain management procedures, companies risk a loss of productivity, increased costs and complaints, possible regulatory infractions, and reputational damage.
Supply chain management is complex, those managing it need tools like visibility platforms to achieve supply chain excellence.
Supply chain management is complex; those managing it need tools like visibility platforms to achieve supply chain excellence.
For supply chain executives to handle supply chains effectively and efficiently, real-time visibility and intelligent data management are a must.
For supply chain executives to handle supply chains effectively and efficiently, real-time visibility and intelligent data management are necessary.
Digital supply chain platforms are developed with the dynamic nature of supply chain in mind, without the need for ERP add-ons and compatibility issues.
Digital supply chain platforms are developed with the dynamic nature of supply chain in mind, without the need for ERP add-ons and compatibility issues.
Detention and demurrage charges are painful, and depending on the scale, there are millions of dollars to be saved.
Detention and demurrage charges are painful, and depending on the scale, there are millions of dollars to be saved.
Most companies are investing sizeable amounts into their organization's digital transformation to sustain themselves in an ever-increasing, competitive, and uncertain world.
Most companies are investing sizeable amounts into their organization's digital transformation to sustain themselves in an ever-increasing, competitive, and uncertain world.
Landed cost is the sum of all costs involved with getting a product from origin to its destination. Unfortunately, that isn’t necessarily as clear-cut as it sounds.
Landed cost is the sum of all costs involved with getting a product from origin to its destination. Unfortunately, that isn’t necessarily as clear-cut as it sounds.
Supply chain visibility can improve customer trust, the combination of trust and technology can build and develop stronger business relationships.
Supply chain visibility can improve customer trust, and the combination of trust and technology can build and develop stronger business relationships.
Supply chain leaders unanimously recognize the need to transition operations to the cloud. Do you have the foresight to prepare your business for what comes next?
Supply chain leaders unanimously recognize the need to transition operations to the cloud. Do you have the foresight to prepare your business for what comes next?
Implementing a centralized supply chain management technology provides better insights about factors like demand, forecasts, inventory, and more
Supply chain visibility is the missing piece in any organization striving for complete supply chain health and resilience.
When managing a supply chain, it can be easy to get lost in the different platforms and offerings that are meant to help your business grow and become the healthiest version of itself. Let’s explore the different types of solutions and what they can do for your supply chain.
When managing a supply chain, getting lost in the different platforms and offerings meant to help your business grow and become the healthiest version of itself can be easy. Let’s explore the different types of solutions and what they can do for your supply chain.
A customer centric supply chain is integral for a commercial focused business to build customer relationships and achieve customer satisfaction, read this blog to learn how you can use supply chain visibility to improve your customer satisfaction.
A customer centric supply chain is integral for a commercial focused business to build customer relationships and achieve customer satisfaction
It can be easy to get lost in all the intricate processes and functions happening on a day-to-day basis. Outsourcing services and delegating internal functions can make it so you miss some key players in your chain.
It can be easy to get lost in all the intricate processes and functions happening on a day-to-day basis. Outsourcing services and delegating internal functions can make it so you miss some key players in your chain.
Use this blog as a practical guide towards rapid costs savings in your digitalization journey. While we’re focusing on container ocean freights here, this framework can be applied to all modes of transportation.
Use this blog as a practical guide towards rapid costs savings in your digitalization journey. While we’re focusing on container ocean freights here, this framework can be applied to all modes of transportation.
Understand why every business should be focusing on supply chain fitness as their goal.
Understand what our customers have to say about our digital transformation process.
Understand the KPI's your business should start with.
KPI's are key to understanding your business metrics - learn which ones you should be looking at to measure your business's supply chain fitness.
Understand what the most common mistakes are when setting KPI's to ensure you don't make the same ones.
Understand how to shorten the change management cycle in your business to ensure you have the people who can push a digital transformation.
Learn what it means to have an orchestrated supply chain and how to get there.
Understand how we ensure that our customers achieve a successful digital transformation.
Understand how your business can realize supply chain visibility.
Understand how you can adjust mindsets during a digital transformation.
Understand how to pivot your supply chain from one that is functioning to one that has full end-to-end visibility.
Learn about the path to achieving supply chain fitness -- by engaging both human capability and modern technology.
Understand how our orchestration platform solves key problems within global supply chains.
Understand the influence people have on change within a business.
Understand how the pandemic affected the focus of the supply chain within businesses.
Understand why digitization is important in achieving modern day growth and success.
Understand how an orchestrated supply chain can help your business.
A new perspective on global logistics and transportation, and understand the hard and soft skills needed in order to cope up with the continuous disruption.
Understand the state of LogTech at the moment and the major trends driving value growth in logistics.
Understand the impact that Covid-19 had on digital platforms.
Learn about how companies can achieve supply chain fitness.
For companies of any size and in any industry, wanting to select & deploy a new supply chain technology, system, or tool, it is critical to understand which steps to take and what to consider.
This white paper explores the ins and outs of true end to end visibility, from a solid research-based definition to the proven actionable steps supply chain leaders implement to realize the benefits of true end to end visibility.
This ebook goes over key features of both technologies to see when and why a digital supply chain platform might be the better solution for you.
Critically evaluate your role in the situational environment and receive a proposed solution.
This infographic compares extending an ERP system to improve the visibility and digital execution of your supply chain or deploying a digital platform.